Action Care Preparations

Rebels walking in black and blue with a coffin on their shoulders and pouring the things we lost due to climate change

Avoiding Burnout

There is always a lot that needs to be done before an action by everyone more involved with the coordination.

Was auch immer es ist – die Art und Weise, wie du deine Geschichte online vermittelst, kann einen gewaltigen Unterschied ausmachen.

Check in with coordinators

Organizing an action is often a lot of work for all the coordinators and action planners. Remind them to take breaks, pass on tasks and look out for themselves.


connect with your anchors

Pay attention to what you eat
Regenerative appointments (schedule your resting time as important as your active time)
Practice preparation with different scenarios regularly
Practice breathing exercises (they will be useful for the actions)

Check-in with yourself & with your buddy (if you have that space)
Organize your space. Clean it, structure it and leave it cozy.
Your body needs to get enough food and sleep before the action takes place.
Have a date with yourself!

Remind yourself of the intentions behind your actions
Practices to grounding (mantras, songs, meditation)
Practice moderation for yourself (where can you be more moderate on?)
Exercise regularly (yoga, running, cycling, skating, whatever you like)


Action Wellbeing