Regenerative Cultures Reminders

Regenerative Cultures Reminder (invitation: pause, breathe, close eyes)

We are transitioning to Regenerative Cultures. These are cultures of respect and listening, in which people deal with conflicts when they arise, using short feedback loops to talk about disagreements and issues without blaming and shaming. They are cultures in which we cultivate healthy boundaries by slowing down our yes’s and returning tasks when we are unable to follow through. They are healthy resilient cultures built on care and support, where people arrive on time for commitments. We are all crew.

This is a collection of texts that you can read before, during and after an action / a meeting / with the purpose to
create small moments to remind us all of why we are here​.


[English] We hear history calling to us from the future

We hear history calling to us from the future. We catch glimpses of a new world of love, respect and regeneration, where we have restored the intricate web of all life. It’s a future that’s inside us all – located in the fierce love we carry for our children, in our urge to help a stranger in distress, in our wish to forgive, even when that seems too much to ask.

And so we rebel for this, calling in joy, creativity and beauty. We rise in the name of truth and withdraw our consent for ecocide, oppression and patriarchy. We rise up for a world where power is shared for regeneration, repair and reconciliation. We rise for love in its ultimate wisdom. Our vision stretches beyond our own lifespan, to a horizon dedicated to future generations and the restoration of our planet’s integrity.

Together, our rebellion is the gift this world needs. We are XR and you are us.


[English] Regenerative Cultures Reminder (distance version)

Let us take a moment to be present with each other, despite the physical distance we have to maintain. Let’s remember that we are transitioning to regenerative cultures. These are cultures of respect, understanding, inclusivity and listening where we arrive on time for commitments, slow down our yeses, return tasks we cannot complete, where we do not blame and shame.

These are also cultures where we understand and celebrate that we are all deeply connected to the natural systems that sustain us, and that what affects us in one place and time will come to affect all of us.We are a part of nature and a part of each other, not apart.Let us embrace this time of isolation and reflection as an opportunity to revisit our principles and values.Let’s use the time and space as a cocoon in which we transform, ready to continue our rebellion in new beautiful and creative ways when we reemerge.We are all crew.


[English] Message from the Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers

‘As you move through these changing times... be easy on yourself and be easy on one another. You are at the beginning of something new. You are learning a new way of being.
You will find that you are working less in the yang modes that you are used to.

XR Reminders -- Why we do what we do Extinction Rebellion

You will stop working so hard at getting from point A to point B the way you have in the past, but instead, you will spend more time experiencing yourself in the whole, and your place in it.

Instead of traveling to a goal out there, you will voyage deeper into yourself. Your mother’s grandmother knew how to do this. Your ancestors from long ago knew how to do this. They knew the power of the feminine principle... and because you carry their DNA in your body, this wisdom and this way of being is within you.

Call on it. Call it up. Invite your ancestors in. As the yang based habits and the decaying institutions on our planet begin to crumble, look up.
A breeze is stirring. Feel the sun on your wings.’


This is a small Collection of Regenerative Cultures Reminders from this XR-Reminders-Document


Tips from XR-therapists


Deep adaptation