Nonviolent Communication

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What is nonviolence?

Nonviolence works because it inspires, builds trust and opens doors for large numbers of people to get involved and express themselves. It also models the world we want to live in by committing to causing no harm.

Beyond blame and judgement, nonviolence recognizes that all of us are part of this system and that we live interdependently (what happens to you affects me and vice versa) and all of our futures are at stake.

Some core elements of nonviolence are:

  • Non harming

  •  Moving beyond blame and judgement to seek to understand the position and perspective of the


  •  Truthtelling from a place of Courage, compassion and love.

  •  Interdependence

  • Self-connection or inner peace

    ”Nonviolence is the courage to speak truth with love...and love is the full radical acceptance of the humanity of every person.”​ - Miki Kashtan

“All that has been integrated into NVC has been known for centuries about consciousness, language, communication skills, and use of power that enable us to maintain a perspective of empathy for ourselves and others, even under trying conditions.”

Nonviolent Communication Handout


Conflict resilience systems